Tuesday, February 17, 2009

10 things I hate about you...

10. You've been at my apartment (and because my roommate has the flu, in my room) for the last 178 out of a possible 182 hours, giving me about three hours over the last week to find the time to update this blog. Instead, I chose to play FIFA on mute.

9. The Valentine's Day gift you bought me obviously cost way less than the one I got you.

8. I don't care that you "made it." That's just a cop out for "having no job/money."

7. Your hair is so fucking itchy. If you want to spoon, shave your head.

6. Don't fucking shave your head.

5. I'm just going to have to cut down the spooning time; whatever, we'll talk about that later.

4. You've pissed me off to the point I've fucked up this list.

3. You didn't make me tea this morning, something you have done every time you've slept over thus far. (And when I finally realized what hadn't happened, I was already running late and had to leave tea-less.)

2. Do you really understand what happens when I don't have my tea?

I drive to work pissed off that I don't have something to sip on. Spend the first three hours of the day thinking, I really need to go make tea. Go to lunch. Spend the next two hours thinking, I should go make some tea. Finally make tea; take a few sips. Work for two hours. Gather my things, walk outside with a cold, half-full cup of tea. Dump the tea in a bush.

1. I do enough as it is for my company. Last thing I should be doing is watering their fucking shrubbery.


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