Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know

Upset, disturbed, devastated etc.... you really don't know me at all. I thought we shared a deep rooted connection. That illusion was shattered this morning when I read your blog post.

Brian Austin Green!! David!! Really!!

What kind of girl do you think I am? I need a moment....................

I'm back....

If you loved me you would know that I was a Dylan girl all the way. He was Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know.... Hey if you piled all your hair on top of your head James Dean style and wrinkled your forehead a little....... I'm just saying, think about it, Valentines Day is coming up and a Brenda/Dylan costume party might be fun.

I have to go 90210 is on in 20 minutes and I have to get ready.....

- erin

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