Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some Lite Reading

I was reading an unpublished study that had no relevant professional citations and was not regarded by any scholars, doctors, professionals or experts. Naturally I believed every word.

The study was called: It's Not You: How to know when your boyfriend is bull shit.

Just for qualification purposes, it came out last month and so far it has gained quite a following. Apparently other women have bull shit boyfriends as well, however I feel that your bull shit is far more advanced than most. (Something that needs to be addressed.) I have spent a lot of time going over the signs in my mind and will now conduct a series of case studies citing said study revealing your behavioral patterns. By the end of this document I hope you will see how everything is...

A) Your fault (even if you don't know about it)
B) I'm always right
C) You should really look in to doing what I say

Everything is your fault.

The unqualified study and my new bible states and I quote. " By being a women you are already vastly more advanced than your male counterparts. Some lenancy should be allowed to the weaker sex due to the fact that they don't have the brain power to think things through properly. Proceed with caution however this fact should not be used as an excuse or allowance of unexceptable behavior, it is but a warning, a disclaimer if you will."

I then realized that I am without fault on all counts regarding everything and you are due to your inferior nature and should bear the brunt of all fault related instances. One specific example comes to mind. Specific Example: I say so.

Next point.....

I'm Always Right:

Nuff said it's science......

You Should Really Look in to Doing What I Say:

This point is really just in your best interest and speaks to the above mentioned points they all tie in to doing what I say. If you are questioning it please see below.....

  • I'm smart, you're not
  • I'm witty, you're a dullard
  • I'm always right, you're always wrong
  • Nothing is my fault, Everything is your fault
Now with all that being said I hope we can move forward because ultimately I love you and I only want you to be the best you can be.

Reading the study will be beneficial to you as well so I have provided you with important information to begin your search.

Title: It's Not You: How to Know When Your Boyfriend is Bull Shit
Author: E$

- erin

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