Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Bullshit" is one word.

I know you don't give a shit about your grammar, but I knew your last post was bullshit immediately. Way to go and fake a "study." Maybe if you "studied" more in college, you would:

a.) Know how to spell.
b.) Have a job, other than watching "90210" reruns all day and faking studies that are more confusing than your grasp of the English language.

Come to think of it, if you were "always right," as your study asserts, wouldn't you (according to your 15-year-old self) be dating Bryan Austin Greene right now, instead of lucky ol' me?

Isn't he perfect!

Come here hunky man! Satisfy my every whim!

As a matter of fact, I think you should give him a call anyway; I mean, just look at him.

You think I can compete with that?

• My only 6-pack is in the fridge.

• My only bronze chain controls the flushing mechanism on my toilet.

• I own T-shirts.

The next time you make a post, please try to make a point about something real in our relationship.

I'm sick of the bull. And the shit.


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