Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Overcompensating Boyfriend

The title of your post is an embarrassment. You are a writer right? Doesn't that mean I can expect some semblance of creativity from you? You should have just entitled it "I don't give a shit fuck it." Let's get one thing straight grammer is not my thing and if bad grammer is an irritant for you please count on it continuing.

It's laughable that....

1. You don't respond to my post for over a week
2. Have the balls to say that I'm killing a blog for which you pay no attention to
3. Think that you dispelled the neglect issue by trying to distract from the facts with thinly veiled attempts at sarcasm and wit.

For the record don't hate on reruns of 90210 they feed my soul and I know exactly where and at what time to find them, which is more than I can say for my BOYFRIEND, who's too consumed with playing golf trivia games with a Rodney Dangerfield impersonator and yelling at stupid bitches to take 5 minutes out of his day to make his GIRLFRIEND smile with a quick blog post. (I understand that the above might be one of the longest run-on sentences ever.....but that's just how I roll. Deal with it Editor.)

Addressing Prozac Kitty..... and tying this back to your neglect. PK may be a bit lethargic now but again I at least receive love from her.

I'm also trying to get over the fact that you used to word earnest...... I don't know why it bothers me, just know that it does.

- erin

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